Check out this interesting article on how Pittsburgh is transforming the “Steel City.” Have you noticed the change to the city’s riverfront?
“Pittsburgh’s riverfronts were used as transportation corridors for industrial production, and were characterized by factories, barges and pollution,” Andrews said. “While the environment has improved since then, the land surrounding them has remained relatively unchanged. The riverfronts were designed around industry rather than the community, and the land around them does not connect to our neighborhoods.”
Concerned community members are working to make better use of these parts of town, which otherwise would continue to deteriorate.
“Today we recognize the riverfronts as our most treasured assets that have tremendous potential to improve our quality of life,”stated Mayor Ravenstahl, who initiated the Allegheny Riverfront Vision, a plan to restore the riverfront corridor.
In 2010, the city received 1.5 million in funding from the Department of Transportation’s TIGER II (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grant program and a Community Challenge planning grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to implement a central aspect of Allegheny Riverfront Vision: the Riverfront Green Boulevard Plan.
“I want to thank all of our partners in the federal government for recognizing the importance of this project that will spur economic development and ensure that Pittsburgh sustains its ‘most livable city’ status for years to come,” Ravenstahl added.
The grant allowed the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny Valley Railroad, Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, andRiverlife to create a plan to transform an existing 6.45-mile stretch of freight rail along the Allegheny Riverfront into a multi-modal transportation corridor that includes park access, open space programming, neighborhood design, stormwater management and habitat restoration.
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